Video: How to secure hardware and harnesses with cable ties

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This video covers correct cable management using cable ties.

  • Cable ties are invaluable for securing hardware, accessories and harnesses.
  • It's important to choose the right size for the job. If you're mounting through lugs, these will dictate the size of the cable tie you need.
  • You should follow some standard rules for cable management.
  • Cable ties shouldn't be so narrow that they create stress on wires, cables or harnesses.
  • They should be long enough that ideally they don't need to be extended by doubling up, and they should be spaced correctly so that the wires, cables and harnesses being secured can't sag or cause obstruction.
  • There should be a minimum of one cable tie every 6 inches or 15 centimetres.
  • Follow existing cable routes where possible. If there aren't any suitable routes, avoid extreme heat or cold, sharp objects, and all moving parts.
  • Once the cable ties are installed, remove the excess length using side cutters and ensure any cut ends are pointing away from areas that are accessible to people. Cut cable ties can be very sharp and can cause injury.

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