Installation guide: Vehicle Data Device with Y-cable

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Skill level: Intermediate

Installers must be able to remove dash panels and instrument clusters, and mount and secure devices safely.

Which Y-cable do you have? Compare your cable with the images and then open the appropriate installation guide.


Enhanced color-coded Y-cable

MMID: 1100001161

Go to installation guide


Legacy Y-cable

MMID: 1100000752 or 1100000743

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Enhanced color-coded Y-cable

Installation guide: Vehicle Data Device with Y-cable

This guide explains how to install a Vehicle Data Device using a enhanced color-coded Y-cable.

Time required: 20 to 30 mins

The Y-cable allows you to keep the OBD-II port free for diagnostic tool scanning and to conceal the Vehicle Data Device.

If you are installing a Verizon Connect road-facing camera in the same vehicle, keep the OBD-II port free by connecting the Y-cable to the OBD-II passthrough cable that's included in the camera kit.

The engine must be OFF when installing the Vehicle Data Device.

In this guide:

Step 1: Check the box contents

Step 2: Identify the parts of the Y-cable

Step 3: Choose the installation method

Step 4: Record the device and vehicle information

Step 5: Locate the vehicle's OBD-II port

Step 6: Unmount the vehicle's OBD-II port

Step 7: Assemble the replacement OBD-II port

Step 8: Mount the replacement OBD-II port

Step 9: Connect the OBD-II passthrough cable (optional)

Step 10: Connect the bypass connector to the original OBD-II port

Step 11: Plug the Vehicle Data Device into the Y-cable

Step 12: Mount the Vehicle Data Device

Step 13: Switch the engine on

Step 14: Verify the installation in Reveal

Step 1: Check the box contents


(A) Vehicle Data Device

A Vehicle Data Device Y-cable kit containing

(B) Y-cable | OBD-II Vehicle Data Device

(C) Vehicle adapters (14)

(D) Adapter clips (4)

(E) Clip removal tool (1)

(F) Zip ties (5)

(G) Setup guide

Step 2: Identify the parts of the Y-cable


The Y-cable has the following parts:

(A) Black replacement connector (replaces the vehicle’s OBD-II port)

(B) Yellow bypass connector (connects to the vehicle’s OBD-II port)

(C) Fuse

(D) Blue device connector (connects to the Vehicle Data Device)

Step 3: Choose the installation method

There are two installation methods: using Spotlight, and not using Spotlight.

It is recommended to Use Spotlight to install and set up the Vehicle Data Device.

Using Spotlight

If you use Spotlight to install the Vehicle Data Device, the app:

  • Guides you through the installation and set-up of the device.

  • Assigns the device to the vehicle.

  • Allows you to enter vehicle information.

  • Connects the device to Verizon Connect.

  • Provides help when you need it.

Not using Spotlight

If you do not use Spotlight to install the Vehicle Data Device:

  • The Vehicle Data Device will only operate in GPS mode.

  • The Vehicle Data Device will not receive data from the vehicle’s Engine Control Module (ECM).

  • This means that some data, such as VBUS-calculated odometer readings, are unavailable.

  • You can still track the vehicle and receive harsh driving alerts. To activate the ECM in compatible vehicles without using Spotlight, contact Customer Support.

Step 4: Record the device and vehicle information

Record the device IMEI number and the details of the vehicle it's being installed into. You need this information later to verify the installation.


The IMEI number can be found on the back of the device or on the box label.

Step 5: Locate the vehicle's OBD-II port

  1. Move the vehicle to an area with good network coverage.

  2. Make sure the vehicle is turned off.

  3. Locate the vehicle's OBD-II port.

    The OBD-II port is usually located under the dashboard or beneath the steering wheel column. If the OBD-II port is not located beneath the steering wheel column, look for it in the areas indicated in the image.

    For help finding the OBD-II port, read Find the OBD-II port.

Step 6: Unmount the vehicle's OBD-II port

  1. Remove any cover that may be over the vehicle’s OBD-II port.

  2. Remove the OBD-II port from its mounting bracket by pressing the release tabs or by removing the screws that hold it in place.


You might need to remove the dash panel to remove the vehicle's OBD-II port.

Use extreme caution when you unmount the vehicle's OBD-II port. Putting stress on the wires or otherwise damaging the port can cause performance issues with the vehicle.

Step 7: Assemble the replacement OBD-II port

  1. Choose a vehicle adapter based on the vehicle make using the provided vehicle adapter list.

    Each vehicle adapter has a number printed on it. Refer to the provided vehicle adapter list to identify an adapter that suits the make of vehicle. If the vehicle make is not on the list, choose an adapter that best matches the shape of the vehicle’s OBD-II port.

    Vehicle List Table.png
  2. Slide the vehicle adapter onto the Y-cable’s black replacement connector and push it on as far as it will go.

    The adapter’s edge that will be secured with clips (see next sub-step) goes onto the connector last.

    When the adapter is on the connector the correct way around and pushed on as far as it can go, its edge will align with the connector’s groove.

    If the adapter’s edge does not align with the connector’s groove: remove the adapter, slide it onto the connector the other way around, and push it onto the connector as far as it will go.

  3. Secure the adapter to the replacement connector by sliding 2 metal clips, one on each side, along the connector’s groove.

Step 8: Mount the replacement OBD-II port


Screw or snap the replacement OBD-II port assembly into the vehicle's original OBD-II port location.

Step 9: Connect the OBD-II passthrough cable (optional)

If you are installing a Verizon Connect road-facing camera along with the Vehicle Data Device, connect the OBD-II passthrough cable to the vehicle's original OBD-II port.

The OBD-II passthrough cable is included in the camera kit.


Step 10: Connect the bypass connector to the original OBD-II port

  1. Plug the Y-cable’s bypass connector (yellow) into the vehicle's original OBD-II port (or into the OBD-II passthrough cable if present).

  2. Secure the bypass connector to the OBD-II port with a zip tie.

Step 11: Plug the Vehicle Data Device into the Y-cable

Ensure the engine is still off before performing this step.

  1. Plug the Vehicle Data Device into the Y-cable's device connector.

  2. Listen for a beep sound.

    A single beep indicates the Vehicle Data Device is plugged in correctly and receiving power.

    Didn't hear the beep?

Step 12: Mount the Vehicle Data Device

If you are also installing a road-facing camera in the same vehicle, install the camera before you mount and secure the Vehicle Data Device. Install a road-facing camera

  1. Identify a stable mounting location under the dashboard, such as a wire bundle or bracket.

    Consider the following when choosing the mounting location:

    Do not mount the device directly under metal surfaces as this can block the network and GPS signal.

    You must secure the device firmly so it cannot move around. If the device is not secure, it will impact the accuracy of harsh driving events.

    You must coil up and secure the cable so that it does not get in the driver's way or interfere with the driver's operation of the vehicle.

  2. Secure the device to the vehicle with zip ties.

  3. Tidy up the cable and secure it with zip ties.

  4. Check everything is fastened tightly and trim zip ties that have excess length.

Step 13: Switch the engine on

Switch the engine on after 10 minutes.

Wait 10 minutes before switching the engine on. This gives the Vehicle Data Device time to download the latest updates.

Step 14: Verify the installation in Reveal

This step describes how to verify in Reveal that the Vehicle Data Device has been installed correctly.

  1. Log in to Reveal.

  2. On Live Map, choose the search icon.

  3. Type the device IMEI number and press Enter.

    If you are using Spotlight for the installation, the vehicle name you entered in Spotlight will be the vehicle name in Reveal.

    If you are not using Spotlight for the installation, the device IMEI number will be the vehicle name in Reveal.

  4. If the vehicle is connected, its details display on Live Map.

Update the vehicle information in Reveal

If you haven’t already done so, we recommend that you update the vehicle name and enter vehicle information to ensure you receive more accurate data about your vehicle in Reveal.

  1. When logged in to Reveal, identify the vehicle in the vehicle list.

  2. Click the pencil icon beside the vehicle. The Edit vehicle page displays.

  3. Enter the following information:

    1. Vehicle name.

      Give the vehicle a name that is easily identifiable on Live Map and in Reports.

    2. Vehicle license plate

    3. Vehicle year, make and model

    4. Vehicle current odometer reading

Learn more in our article Update vehicle and powered asset information.

Legacy Y-cable

Installation guide: Vehicle Data Device with Y-cable

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This guide explains how to install a Vehicle Data Device using a Y-cable.

Time required: 20 to 30 mins

The Y-cable allows you to keep the OBD-II port free for diagnostic tool scanning and to conceal the Vehicle Data Device.

If you are installing a road-facing camera in the same vehicle, you can use the Y-cable with the OBD-II passthrough cable in the camera kit to keep your OBD-II diagnostics port available.

The engine must be OFF when installing the Vehicle Data Device. Once the device is installed, wait 10 minutes before starting the vehicle.

Step 1. Check the box contents

  • Vehicle Data Device (VDD)

  • OBD-II Y-cable (approx. 9ft)

  • 8-inch (20 cm) zip ties (x4)

  • 14-inch (35 cm) zip ties (x2)

  • Mounting adaptors

  • Core connector

Step 2. Identify the parts of the Y-cable


The cable consists of the following parts:

  • (A) Cable connector

  • (B) Bypass connector that plugs into the vehicle's OBD-II port

  • (C) Fuse holder with replaceable fuse

  • (D) Device connector for the Vehicle Data Device

The cable comes with the following parts:

Step 3. Record device and vehicle information

Record the device IMEI and the vehicle it's being installed into before continuing. You need this later to verify the installation.


The IMEI can be found on the back of the device or on the box.

Step 4. Locate OBD-II port

  1. Move the vehicle to an area with good network coverage.

  2. Make sure your vehicle is turned off.

  3. Locate your vehicle's OBD-II port.

    The port is usually located under the dashboard or beneath the steering wheel column. If not located beneath the steering column, look for the port in the areas indicated in the image.

    For help finding the OBD-II port, read Find the OBD-II port.

Step 5. Unmount the vehicle's OBD-II port

  • Remove the vehicle's OBD-II port from its mounting bracket by pressing the release tabs or by removing the screws that hold it in place.

    You might need to remove the dash panel to remove the OBD-II port.

    Warning: Use extreme caution when you unmount the vehicle's OBD-II port. Putting stress on the wires or otherwise damaging the port can cause performance issues with the vehicle.

Step 6. Attach core connector to mounting adapter

  1. Find the mounting adaptor (F) that matches the shape of your vehicle's OBD-II port.

    Make sure you choose the correct mounting adapter before attaching it to the core connector. Once attached, the parts are very difficult to take apart.

    What mounting adapters do I use with my Y-cable?

  2. Attach the core connector to the appropriate mounting adapter.

Step 7. Plug cable into core connector

  • To assemble the replacement OBD-II port, plug the cable's replacement OBD-II connector (A) into the back of the core connector (E).

Step 8. Mount replacement OBD-II port

  • Screw or snap the replacement OBD-II port into the vehicle's original OBD-II port location.

Step 9. Plug original port into bypass connector

  1. Plug the vehicle's original OBD-II port into the cable's bypass connector (B).

  2. Secure the bypass connector to the port with a zip tie.

Step 10. Connect the OBD-II passthrough (Optional)

  • If you're installing a road-facing camera after the device, connect the OBD-II passthrough from the camera kit to the Y-cable's device connector (D).


Step 11. Plug the Vehicle Data Device into the cable

  1. With the engine off, plug the VDD into the cable's device connector (D) or the OBD-II passthrough if you're connecting a road-facing camera.

  2. Listen for a beep sound.

    A single beep indicates your device is plugged in correctly and receiving power.

    Didn't hear the beep?

Step 12. Mount the Vehicle Data Device

Before you mount and secure the device:
  • Do not mount the device directly under metal surfaces as this can block the network and GPS signal.

  • Do not mount the device near a source of heat such as a heating vent or duct. This can damage the device and melt the cable.

  • You must secure the device firmly so it cannot move around. If the device is not secure, it will impact the accuracy of harsh driving events.

  • You must coil up and secure the cable so that it does not get in the driver's way or interfere with the driver's operation of the vehicle.

If you are installing a road-facing camera with the Y-cable in the same vehicle wait until after you have installed the camera to mount and secure the device.

To mount and secure the device:
  1. Look for a stable mounting location under the dashboard, such as a wire bundle or bracket.

  2. Secure the device to the vehicle with zip ties.

  3. Tidy up the cable and secure it with zip ties.

  4. Check everything is fastened tightly and cut off excess length of zip ties if needed.

    WAIT 10 MINUTES BEFORE SWITCHING THE ENGINE ON. This gives the Vehicle Data Device time to download the latest updates.

Next steps

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